Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Sisters

I know, sisters are supposed to love each other, right? Well, what if you had sisters like mine? what if your sisters were evil, tormenting, awful people who hated your guts and didn't try to hide it? Well, that is what my sisters are like to me. I will start with the most annoying sister, well recently anyway. Her name is Cara, and she is just one year older than me. One year she got held back, so we have always had to be around each other and have the same friends, like twins. This became especially true when we left our public school and came to the school we are going to now, which is extremely small with about 20 people in each grade. When we moved to this school, she told me that this could be her fresh start, that she could become popular by acting exactly like the popular girls at our old school. She came up with a plan to get a ton of new hollister clothes, and abercrombie and such. Following her example, I began to devise my own new "character", if you will. My name was Sam, and my favorite colors were green and pink. Anyways, the whole point of this whole story is that, though I had played it for many years, she told me when we moved that soccer was "her thing" and that I couldn't play it anymore. Then, on the first day of school when we had come home she asked me "who do you think you want to be your friend based on who you met today??" I talked about all the people that I'd met. Anyone she liked, or anyone that she said had " cool potential" was not allowed to be my friend. Or... I wasn't allowed to be theirs rather. Then, the other day for more recent things, we together babysitted a young two year old and recieved twenty bucks total. The parents gave it to us in cash that was not splittable, so I had the money and....


The SHORT start...

hello, and welcome to my new blog. I don't know why I decided to make this blog. I just did. My name is not Eno Emos. You can try and figure that one out. It's not to complex. It is 3:56 on Thursday, and I am still in my pajamas. The schools in my county had a snow day today, so I really have not done much of anything today. I still have some Geometry homework, and a History test I have to study for. I decided to wait until I would actually be out of school to do any actual work. I will tell you more later, but for right now...
Eno Emos